If done right, this period is also a golden opportunity to recuperate and treat some health issues from even before pregnancy.
From the traditional Chinese perspective, the process of labouring requires a lot of energy and hence loses significant amounts of blood and “qi”. 6 to 8 weeks are required for moms to restore the state of their body to as prior to pregnancy, and the methods of replenishment during which is crucial to the mother’s health in the future. If done right, this period is also a golden opportunity to recuperate and treat some health issues from even before pregnancy. The 6 to 8 weeks of postpartum care should help the mother in supplementing nutrients that were given to the baby.
Furthermore, taking care of the new born baby, breast-feeding, preparing food requires a lot of energy, and strains the mother both mentally and physically. Therefore a postpartum caregiver is recommended such that the mother can focus on resting and recuperating.
